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Summer’s here and the time is right…

…for dancin’ in the street. But, we’ll be dancing in the aisles. In the “old days” most theatre companies used to go dark to do maintenance and plan for the next season. Now? Now things are hopping in the theatre community all summer long. Performances, rehearsals, auditions, previews of the coming season.

But, it’s also when the Las Vegas Valley Theatre Awards are presented. The one night each year that actors, directors, choreographers, designers – and, yes, patrons – gather together to acknowledge achievement in local production.

This past January the Valley Awards were brought under the operation umbrella of EatMoreArt!Vegas (EMAV) when Awards founder Jacob Coakley accepted an employment opportunity in Los Angeles. Though the two entities are run under separate wings to avoid any conflict of interest, EMAV Founder and Editor Sarah O’Connell felt it to be a natural fit.

This year the awards will welcome leaders from other disciplines as well as arts advocacy groups. Says O’Connell, “this will help spread the message that ‘A rising tide lifts all boats,’ even in the Mojave Desert.”

As the mission to support, promote, and increase cooperation among the arts continues into another year, EMAV Adjudication Coordinator Ralph Stalter, Jr. extends an invitation to join the voices already in harmony. If you have a love of the performing arts, you’re dependable and want to make a difference in the arts community, ask about becoming an adjudicator for the 2017-2018 season. Need more incentive than feeling good about volunteering? How does free tickets to eligible productions sound?

The past year’s efforts culminate on Tuesday, July 25, 6:30, with no-host cocktails to mingle with the local glitterati. That includes your favorite actors, singers, designers, all those working backstage and front of house, and patrons who simply enjoy staged entertainment should be there. And the Awards show will have lots for everybody.

Master of Ceremonies Jim Sohre will again preside as Poor Richard’s Players kicks off the night. If last year is any indication they’ll provide another hilarious tribute. Cruising through the evening, there will be songs presented by Signature Productions, LVLT, Opera Las Vegas, and P.S. Productions from shows of the past season like A Little Night Music. We’ll snap our fingers to the casts of Beehive and Memphis, and let our hearts soar to “Miracle of Miracles” from Fiddler on the Roof with Joshua Meltzer.

Among others hitting the stage will be Paige O’Hara, the voice of Belle from the Disney animated film Beauty and the Beast, who was presented with the 2011 Disney Legend Award; Michael Piontek from EFX, Mama Mia, and Forever Plaid; Alexandra Ameche, Conductor and Musical director of the Henderson Symphony; Smith Center VP & COO Paul Beard; and Poet Laureate Vogue Robinson. There’re more, but, goodness! who wants the whole laundry list at this point? Suffice it to say the arts community from around the state will be represented and you don’t want to miss this star-studded evening.

It all happens at The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court, Las Vegas, NV 89103. Tickets are a mere $10, a “sawbuck” as Bogey called it, and can be purchased either at the door, or in advance online at

For the list of nominees, click here:

What: 2017 Valley Theatre Awards

When: Tuesday, July 25, 6:30

Tickets: $10 (+$3 ticket service fee)

Where: The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court, 89103

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