Application Deadline: Thursday, March 24

Photo by Steve Johnson
The Clark County Public Arts Office is seeking a professional digital artist or art team to work with youth to create inspiring, encouraging, and empowering messages to be displayed in the restrooms at the Hollywood Recreation Center. The project has a budget of $4,000, which is to be used for the requirements under the scope of work and all necessary materials, supplies, labor, and surface preparation.
Artists must submit their applications by 12 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, to the Clark County Public Arts website at
This entry-level public art project is open to all ages 18 and older. Applicants must be Clark County residents. Clark County employees and previous Empowerment Art! grant recipients are not eligible to apply. If an artist team is selected, the selected artist, or Project Lead, will be contracted with Clark County and receive funding. The artist will be responsible to do the following as part of the project:
· Facilitate at least four, two-hour workshops with youth ages 6 to 17 that will provide inspiration for empowerment messages important to the youth at the Hollywood Recreation Center. All project and workshop supplies are to be provided by the artist.
· Create digital designs containing inspiring, encouraging, and empowering messages aimed at the facility's youth patrons. Arrangements will be printed on vinyl and professionally installed on restroom stall doors by outside contractors. Cost of printing and installation is covered by the Public Arts Program.
Clark County Public Arts Office's mission is to promote, encourage and connect the community with culture and public art around the valley. The Clark County Public Arts program can be found on Facebook and Instagram @CCPublicArts. Those wanting more information about Clark County’s Public Arts Program can visit