EMA Review: X **** Delicious
What is X? By Paul Atreides Author, playwright Theatre critic at EatMoreArtVegas.com paul-atreides.com X by Alistair McDowall is…bizarre....
EMA Review: X **** Delicious
A Public Fit opens new season with The Lifespan of a Fact
A Public Fit to present An Oak Tree
Las Vegas Little Theatre offers free season preview
EMAV Review: Vegas Fringe Festival
EMAV Review: Clown Bar 2 A World Premiere ★★★★
The Winchester Dondero CulturalCenter to Present The Hard Row
A Public Fit’s Recent Tragic Events opens on February 11
Angel of Arkansas to premiere at Notoriety Live
Winchester Dondero CulturalCenter Presents Arabic Nights Feb. 19
Majestic Kicks Off 2022 With Rock Musical Parody The Craft
A Public Fit Returns in 2022 with Skeleton Crew